Windows Phone7 Development Resources.. madami to!

Hello everyone.. a lot have expressed desire to develop apps for the new Windows Phone 7 and have, of course, asked for resources.. o ETO!
Get Started with Windows Phone 7!

App Hub, <– has almost everything you will need.. except the phone of course(Phone not included)
Windows Phone 7 toolkit, find training and sample code, <– yes these are also my favorites 😉
Windows Phone 7 Development for Absolute Beginners <– this would be intented for me 🙂

Free E-book: Programming Windows Phone 7Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit <– absolutely free. Nice to have in your mobile phone to read during traffic jams eh?
Windows Phone 7 .toolbox Design Tutorials <–I have peeked into this and its really great. Specially for those “artistically challenged” people like me. This also has Photoshop templates, how to design for gestures, and much more!
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